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Children's Liturgy of the Word


While children’s Liturgy of the Word plays an important part in drawing children into worship. It also fosters knowledge of liturgy and scripture, which is one of the catechetical objectives listed in the General Directory for Catechesis (#84). At an early age, children become familiar with the flow of the Sunday liturgical celebrations. As they become comfortable with their involvement at liturgies and develop a sense of belonging in the community, it is hoped and anticipated that they will continue to grow as faithful, practicing members.


What “Children’s Liturgy of the Word” means


“Children’s Liturgy of the Word” refers to the practice of children leaving the Sunday assembly just before the Liturgy of the Word and gathering in the chapel to celebrate a separate Liturgy of the Word that is more appropriate to their level of understanding. 


What are the benefits of having children’s Liturgy of the Word?

Children’s Liturgy of the Word:


  • Helps to celebrate the presence of God in his Word

  • Facilitates sharing the message of the gospel with children at their level

  • Helps children experience the Church as community

  • Encourages children to form a loving and generous response to the Word of God

  • Encourages parents to bring the children to Mass and to come as a family

  • Encourages parents to attend Mass regularly

  • Helps children to learn about their faith in a positive and enjoyable manner

  • Helps the community to embrace and acknowledge the children in the parish family


Children’s Liturgy of the Word Schedule

9:00 am & 11:00 am (September-May)


Available to children ages K-3. Children not yet in Kindergarten are welcome while accompanied by their parent. Please do not send young children in with their older sibling.


We are always in need of new Liturgists for this ministry. Materials, choice of dates, and support provided.


Please contact Noreen Hayden @ 371-7372 x233 or


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