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Upcoming Lenten Offerings


Evening Prayer (Tuesdays, 6:30 PM)


St. Edward’s Parish Community invites you to Evening Prayer each Tuesday at 6:30 PM during Lent.  Evening Prayer offers a wonderful opportunity to focus on Christ’s presence in our hearts and in the grace-filled moments of our daily lives. Please join us as we raise our prayers like incense before the Lord.


Soups & Stations (Fridays, 12:00 PM)


Each Friday during Lent the St. Edward’s community will be gathering for Stations of the Cross at 12:00 PM. After the recitation of the Stations we will gather to share a meal of soup in the Social Hall.  Please join us! 


Adult Faith Formation Scripture Study (Mondays, 7:00 PM)


Join Fr. Pat for our study of John’s gospel on Monday evenings during Lent. This will be a good preparation for worship during the Easter Season when John’s gospel plays a central role in the Liturgy of the Word at Sunday Eucharist.




Narrative theology” is that approach to theology that finds meaning in story. It is associated with the idea that we are not primarily to learn ethics from Scripture, but rather to learn to relate to God, and to play our part in the great narrative of salvation. This course will explore how, in John’s gospel, one is called to recognize divinity in one’s presence and the change of perspective in one’s life that comes from that recognition.


Parishioner's Written Reflections (Weekly)


Each year we publish a series of reflections written by our parishioners to our website. These reflections can be based on a specific week's readings or simply an aspect of Lent you feel called to reflect on. If this is something that would interest you, please reach out to Andrew Sutton at for more information.


Lenten "Little Books"


Lenten "Little Books" will be available the weekends of  February 19-20 and Feb. 26-27There is not cost for the book. If you wish to give a donation, all donations will be given as a blessing to Birthright. Thank you so much for your donations!


Rice Bowls


Each Lent, Catholic families across the country unite to put their faith into action through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Through CRS Rice Bowl, families learn about how our sisters and brothers across the globe overcome hardships like hunger and malnutrition, and how through Lenten alms, we have the power to make the world a better place for all. Please feel free to take the rice Bowl containers which are available in the church, the atrium, and in the parish office for your Lenten alms. Rice Bowls may be returned by Easter Sunday



Lenten Penance Services


St. Edward's Lenten Penance Services will be held at 10:00 AM and 6:30 PM on Tuesday, April 5.

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